NASA webinar and spring internships deadline

Apply for a NASA Internship for the Spring semester! before the application deadline of Nov. 7, 2022.

NASA interns photo
Photo courtesy of NASA Goddard/Talya Lerner
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center student interns pose with BETTI, the Balloon Experimental Twin Telescope for Infrared Interferometry.

On Nov. 2 from noon to 1:30 p.m., a NASA will go over “How to write a federal resume and how to apply for NASA internships with OSTEM and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.”

An in-person viewing will also happen that day and time in Duckering 353.

The will be available via Microsoft Teams.

Meeting ID: 236 757 826 06
Passcode: 2PCuxH

This event is promoted by the .

Questions about the program can be sent via email or called in to 907-474-6833.