Emergency preparedness for UAF departments

Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

Preparedness Checklist

â—‹ Encourage employees to sign up for . 
â—‹ Be familiar with the Emergency Response Guide for initial actions.
â—‹ Make or purchase an .
â—‹ Ensure that all employees have read the Emergency Action Plan and are familiar with emergency procedures including relevant building evacuation routes, fire alarm pull-station locations, fire extinguisher locations, assembly areas, evacuation areas for major disasters as well as procedures for accounting for all persons.
â—‹ Ensure Emergency Action Plan (EAP) has been written and is available to employees for review.

Go over the safety measures for the following potential hazards:


Make sure that your employees know who their Facility,  are.

Your Role During an Emergency

â—‹ Account for your employees.
â—‹ Once the immediate threat of the emergency has ended, inform your employees how to proceed.

Emergency Action Plan (EAP)

What is it?

The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) requires every workplace have an Emergency Action Plan (). The Emergency Action Plan outlines important emergency response information such as:

  • Emergency Reporting Procedures
  • Evacuation Routes
  • Assembly Areas
  • Staff Rosters and Accountability
  • Staff Responsible for operating critical plant equipment before evacuation
  • Location of Fire Alarm Pull Stations and Fire Extinguishers
  • Rescue and Medical duties for those able to perform them
The EAP must be made available to employees for review at any time. UAF provides a list of EAPs.

Who is it for?

Emergency Action Plans are for UAF employees. They are specific to work areas and are not department specific, although collaboration is an important aspect of emergency planning and is encouraged for creation of your EAP. A workplace is typically considered any suite of offices, lab, or smaller floor of a building. Each EAP will typically cover up to 20 persons, although exceptions can be made. The creation and update of the Emergency Action Plan is the responsibility of the Building Coordinator of each workspace. Please consult with the Office of Emergency Management if any questions arise during the creation of your EAP or selection of Building Coordinator.

How is it used?

EAPs should be used to plan and prepare for emergencies at the workspace level so that if an emergency occurs, UAF employees will know what to do. For example, the EAP helps to guide, evacuation, assembly, sheltering-in-place and other staff responsibilities.

What can I do?

Make sure that your workspace has an up-to-date EAP. If you are not sure where to find your EAP, ask your Building Coordinator.


â—‹ Emergency Action Plan Template/ Edit an EAP
â—‹ Emergency Action Plans
â—‹ Emergency Operations Plan
â—‹ UAF Student Health & Counseling Center